Asking Out Loud, 14th and Final Podcast from Cannes Lions 2018
Asking Out Loud with The New School is a new edition of Cannes Lions Masterclasses. Over the course of this 15-episode podcast series, you’ll tease apart the questions, challenges and curiosities that make some of the world's most creative minds tick.
At a time of great uncertainty in the market and the world, Gabe Greenberg and his company GABBCON are the trusted resource to help manage and navigate through change. From media and marketing, people and culture, to technology and ad agency partner review and selection, enterprises of all sizes call on Gabe and his team for support.
In this episode of Asking Out Loud, Gabe sits down with The New School's Academic Director, Global Executive M.S. in Strategic Design and Management, Melissa Rancourt, to talk about the revolutionary blockchain technology and explore its potential impact on creativity and communications.